Ever wondered about the birth of Studio 188? Today you get to meet the creator of Studio 188:
El Ray.
Michael Luevano
"El Ray"
Life Mantra
I have a couple of different Mantra’s depending on which segment of my life I’m referring to:
- General Philosophy; “Be Generous, help others realize their dreams".
- Band: "I’m just happy to be here”.
- Business: “Lead, follow, or get out of the way”!
What instruments do you play in the band?
Frontman, lead vocals, and tambourine.
When and how did you form the band?
The band was formed in Febuary, 2004 as a beer drinking exercise, with former expat musicians. I was the founding member together with Michael “Mal” Collins. At that time he and I both played as drummers and vocalists.
Favorite song to perform ever?
I have many favorites, but If I had to choose one that always is a crowd pleaser is JUMP from Van Halen. It leaves most of the band breathless as well as the audience!
Favorite show you performed with Studio 188?
My favorite show was in front of 35,000 people at the F1 Opening. That was live and truly a rush. I also enjoy playing on larger stages at festivals and the Goose Island BooshKabaash Festival for sure!
What do you like the most about the band?
I like to joke that coming to a Studio 188 show will make you (mostly me!) feel 20 years younger! I believe most people enjoy our stage energy and have remarked on countless occasions… ”you guys are really having a good time on stage”, which couldn’t be more accurate.
Funniest moment on stage?
Recently I had to wear Hazel’s bra on stage, due to my F up with my wardrobe! Kinda hilarious!
Artist you feel most inspired by?
I have tons of classic rock influences and progressive rock artists. I do enjoy pop music, and as a businessman in my alter ego, I can appreciate any artist that can sell a million albums!